Hi, I'm Valarie.
Her Radiant Path ignites sisterhood, empowering women to write a bold, beautiful midlife chapter. 

Where have I been? You haven’t heard from me in a while, and there’s a good reason. Back in January, I had a shocking experience – emergency open-heart surgery. It came out of nowhere, but looking back, it wasn’t entirely a surprise considering my family history.

Many of you messaged about my absence, and I truly appreciate your concern. But after the surgery, I had to focus on getting physically and mentally healthy again. Stepping away from blogging wasn’t easy, but sometimes you gotta listen to your body, right?

The good news is, I’m here today, and even more blessed to share my story with you. Heart disease is a silent killer that hits us hard. In fact, it’s the number one killer of Black women in the US. That’s why I’m opening up about my journey, hoping to inspire and maybe even save a life.

A Scary Morning that Changed Everything

January 16th was a typical Tuesday – packed schedule, friend’s funeral, and an Austin, Texas trip to look forward to. But as I lay in bed, a strange feeling washed over me. It wasn’t pain, but unlike anything I’d ever felt before – like a satin sheet being waved over me. Could it be my heart?

Memories of my Dad’s fatal heart attack at age 49 flooded back. I ignored the discomfort at first, but the feeling wouldn’t go away. Finally, I knew I couldn’t take a chance. “Call 911,” I told my husband, Major.

A Whirlwind to Top-Notch Care

The ambulance arrived quickly. The ride to my local hospital was a blur, but I remember the snow on the ground (a rare sight for us in recent years!). Despite the chaos, a strange calm washed over me.

At the ER, things moved fast – tests, scans, the whole nine yards. The uncertainty gnawed at me. Was I overreacting? Then came the results – abnormal. A CT scan revealed a life-threatening condition: aortic dissection. 


Imagine your aorta, the main artery carrying blood from your heart, as a hose. A bulge called an aneurysm forms due to a weak spot in the aorta’s wall, like a balloon bulging out on the hose. High blood pressure is a common risk factor for aneurysms, and that’s likely what happened in my case. This bulge weakens the artery wall further. An aortic dissection occurs when a tear rips through this weak spot. In my case, it was a Type A Aortic Dissection, which means the tear occurred in the ascending aorta, the first part of the aorta that leaves the heart. This type of dissection is considered the most serious because it’s closer to the heart and carries a higher risk of complications if left untreated. The tear creates a double channel for blood flow. Blood keeps flowing normally through the original passage, but some leaks into the tear, separating the layers of the aorta’s wall. If left untreated, this tear could burst the aorta, which is why surgery was critical.

Diagram of Aortic Aneurysm and Aortic Dissection, courtesy of The Mayo Clinic

Thankfully, my cousin, a skilled neurosurgeon, became a vital link in the chain of medical care. After receiving my diagnosis, I texted my cousin and told him that I was in trouble. This is my last memory of that day. He consulted with the ER doctor over the phone and then updated my husband and two adult sons. Thanks to their courageous teamwork, I was medevaced by helicopter to the renowned cardiology department at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in Center City Philadelphia, despite the bad weather.

There, my cardiac surgeon explained the urgency of the situation. Immediately following the eight hour overnight operation, I was sent to the Cardiac Critical Care Unit. As the fog cleared and I began to process the events of the past week, the full weight of the trauma finally hit me. In that moment, a profound sense of gratitude overcame me. The amazing medical team in their expertise and skill were my instruments of healing.

The road to recovery was physically and emotionally demanding. In the step-down unit, as I began to mend, the doctors explained the cause of my dissection: an aneurysm, a silent threat. This invisible danger had lurked beneath years of controlled high blood pressure and was impossible to predict.

The Power of Faith

Looking back, I know God was guiding me through each step. It is not lost on me that I was blessed with access to top-notch treatment. But, this wasn’t just about a medical intervention; this was God’s mercy. That initial feeling of unease, a gentle nudge from within, became the key that unlocked my path to safety.

The weeks that followed surgery were a mix of pain and vulnerability. Yet, in those quiet moments, faith was my anchor, a source of strength and solace. Prayer was my lifeline. I am grateful for the prayer chain that extended beyond family and friends. This experience served as a powerful reminder: self-care is a gift we owe ourselves, a way to honor the temple of our bodies.

Self-Care: Not Selfish, But Essential

Looking back, listening to my body that day was crucial. It’s a lesson for all of us. Our bodies talk to us, whispering warnings before they shout. In our busy lives, we often neglect them.

My experience is a testament to self-care. It’s not selfish, it’s essential. Eating healthy, exercising, getting enough sleep, taking mental health breaks – these are investments in our well-being. It’s a constant battle, even for me now. But I’m committed to listening to my body’s whispers.

Blessed Beyond Words

During a recent checkup, the technician gasped at my scar. “Open-heart surgery?” she asked, surprised. I explained the aortic dissection and she said, “You’re so lucky!” But I corrected her, “No, I’m blessed.”

This experience has been humbling. It highlighted the importance of listening to our bodies, seeking medical attention, and advocating for ourselves. 

Today, I’m recovering, but it’s a journey, not a destination. I’m grateful for every step. Grateful for my family, friends, and all of you who sent love and prayers. Life is a precious gift, and I don’t take a single breath for granted. This second chance has ignited a fire within me. I’m ready to get back to writing, to share my story, and hopefully inspire others to take charge of their health and embrace life with open arms.

We’re back! So, please join us and share with your network. Let’s prioritize our health, celebrate our strength, and live each day to the fullest. Together, we can rewrite the narrative, one healthy heart at a time.

With gratitude and blessings,



AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION (AHA): a leading organization in heart health research and education https://www.heart.org/

BLACK WOMEN’S HEALTH IMPERATIVE (BWHI): this organization is dedicated to improving the health and wellness of Black women and girls, with information about heart disease, including risk factors, prevention tips, and resources for finding culturally competent healthcare providers https://bwhi.org/

OFFICE ON WOMAN’S HEALTH: this website from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services provides a wealth of information on women’s health, including heart disease with a specific section on heart disease and stroke https://www.womenshealth.gov/heart-disease-and-stroke/heart-disease

Comments +

  1. Elaine Gillison says:

    I prayed everyday. Every time thought of you. Every time I couldn’t connect. I prayed that God would allow us more time… weren’t finished! I am eternally grateful that His will was my desire. 💗💚

    • Valarie Everett says:

      Elaine, I’m incredibly grateful for your prayers and support. It’s truly heartwarming to hear that your desire aligned with God’s will. Thank you for sharing. Valarie

  2. Frenchetta Montgomery says:

    God was bombarded with the prayers and hopes of many family members and friends. Clearly you still had work to do. This is evidenced by sharing your experience in this amazing article. Your blog, but most importantly, you were missed during your hiatus.

    • Valarie Everett says:

      Frenchetta, I’m truly grateful for the love and support of my family and friends during that time. Your encouragement means a lot and inspires me to continue sharing my journey. Thank you for always being there. Valarie

  3. Your story is testament to how we need to pay attention to signs that something is not right and not to ignore that feeling. I continue to pray for you as you serve as a model for all of us. Peace and blessings always,

    • Valarie Everett says:

      Sherilynn, your continued prayers and kind words are deeply appreciated. Your support fuels my journey, and I hope my story continues to inspire others to listen to their bodies and never lose hope. Blessings to you, too. Valarie

  4. Lisa says:

    We and the pink sisters prayed hard! Glad your back writing loving your blog 🩷

    • Valarie Everett says:

      Lisa, it means the world to me to know that so many people, including the Pink Sisters, were praying for me during that difficult time. Your prayers definitely helped me get through it. I’m so grateful to be back writing and sharing. Sending love and hugs right back your way. Valarie 🩷

  5. Deb Kardon-brown says:

    Valarie, my friend, this is now TWICE in your adult life that I’m aware of, that God Himself has snatched you back from the brink of the abyss and pulled you with His own loving arms back here. Clearly, you have work remaining to accomplish on His behalf here on earth. I’m inspired every time I think of the health emergencies you have overcome, and the “listen to your body” pulpit that you have been preaching from as long as I’ve known you. I am so grateful for you, your mesage, your blog and of course to God for giving you your ministry. Keep preaching the healthy, balanced life, my dear. I am among many who are listening and believing that your message is true, important and Heaven-sent.

    • Valarie Everett says:

      Deb, your words touched my heart deeply. I’m so grateful for your unwavering support and your faith in God’s plan for me. It’s my mission to share my story and inspire others to listen to their bodies and prioritize their health. Thank you for being a wonderful friend and believing in me. Valarie

  6. Libbi Sampleton says:

    Val, just getting around to reading this post. Brought tears to my eyes( of both joy and pain). I know the struggle you endured and am amazed by your strength and courage . God is truly not done with you. Your assignment is not complete. Keep doing the great work that you do for humankind but please remember your own words and take care of yourself!! Love you BFF’n❤️😘

    • Valarie Everett says:

      Thank you so much, Libbi! Your words mean the world. I’m so grateful for your lifelong friendship. Love you too, BFF!

  7. Dr. Mary A Harrison says:

    Blessings, what a wonderful testimony of walking in faith. Oh what a blessing to know the joy of our salvation and gain strength to stand on the promises of our Lord. Love and prayers for continued health and strength daily. 🙏🏾💕💚

    • Valarie Everett says:

      Thank you for your beautiful blessings! It’s by God’s grace that I’m here, walking in faith. Your love and prayers mean so much, and I’m grateful for the strength I find in the Lord. God bless you!

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